Results for 'Victor Amorim Rodrigues'

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  1.  9
    Revisitando um pai fundador: Atualidade da noção de projeto-de-mundo na psicoterapia.Victor Amorim Rodrigues - 2022 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 5 (2):29-42.
    Um dos pais fundadores da psicoterapia existencial- Ludwig Binswanger- foi justamente criticado por Martin Heidegger por excesso de formalismo e má compreensão da analítica existencial. Apesar destes reparos algumas contribuições de Binswanger, por estarem baseadas na sua experiência clínica, são, ainda hoje profícuas para uma interpretação do sofrimento, apresentado pelos nossos pacientes na clínica psicoterapêutica. É precisamente no caso da psicopatologia, tanto neurótica como psicótica, que a noção de projeto-de-mundo, apresenta um elevado valor heurístico e permite o desvelamento do modo (...)
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    Fenomenologia Clínica das Perturbaçoes da Personalidade.Victor Amorim Rodrigues - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):235-246.
    Personality disorders are among the most intriguing and fascinating mental disorders. As they are characterized by pathological traits, not signs and symptoms, they are unsuitable for treatment with psychotropic drugs or other biological treatments. A psychological understanding of these disorders is possible based on cognitive or psycho-dynamic explanations but the author argues that these theoretical models miss the essential point, as they Jack a foundational ground on what is specifically human in human beings, their humanitas. Any deviation from this ground (...)
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  3. Relação custo-lucro e produtividade nas práticas culturais da cana-de-açúcar.Fernando Rodrigues de Amorim, Federico Del Giorgio Solfa & Timoteo Ramos Queiroz - 2024 - Journal of Management and Technology 24 (1):215-237.
    Objective of the study: To analyze the costs and profits of sugarcane production regarding the cultural practices of sugarcane suppliers. Methodology/approach: This study positions itself in this gap by comparatively analyzing 6 types of cultural practices: unraveling, windrowing, application of correctives, herbicides, insecticides and fertilizers, with the option of two systems Fixed rate (TF) and Variable rate (TV). Originality/Relevance: Brazil is a world reference in sugarcane production, with the State of São Paulo being the largest Brazilian producer. However, for sugarcane (...)
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    A ressignificação da leitura literária e do leitor-fruidor na BNCC: uma abordagem dialógica.Marcel Alvaro de Amorim & Victor Alexandre Garcia Souto - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (4):98-121.
    RESUMO Com base na noção de currículo como uma arena de embates discursivos, este artigo tem por objetivo principal analisar de que modo a Base Nacional Comum Curricular de Língua Portuguesa e Literaturas compreende os conceitos de fruição e de leitor-fruidor. Com efeito, é nossa intenção compreender como a ideia de leitura literária é proposta por esse documento oficial curricular. Para tanto, as habilidades e conteúdos indicados pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular foram analisados a partir de uma perspectiva metodológica interpretativista (...)
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  5. Costs of Agronomic Practices: Profitability at Different Scales of Sugarcane Production in Brazil.Marco Túlio Ospina-Patino, Fernando Rodrigues Amorim, Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade, Mohammad Jahangir Alam & Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2022 - International Journal of Business Administration 13 (5):32-43.
    The diversity in agronomic practices being used by sugarcane producers in Brazil determines differences in economic performance and cost structure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the cost of six systems of agronomic practices using fixed or variable rates for soil amendment, fertilizer, and defensive applications and assess the profitability of these systems at three scales of sugarcane production. We then describe the data sample related to the 2019–2020 harvest season and collected from fifty-five sugarcane producers in the (...)
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    Benedito Nunes, estudante de Direito: a formação do filósofo na Faculdade de Direito do Pará (1948-1952).Victor Russo Fróes Rodrigues - 2021 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 3 (5):167.
    Benedito Nunes, aclamado filósofo e crítico literário, guarda em sua biografia um período de formação jurídica na Faculdade de Direito do Pará, entre os anos de 1948 e 1952. Este é um dado que normalmente fica isolado na observação de sua trajetória, sobretudo em relação aos aspectos intelectuais da formação jurídica, fator que pode permitir uma maior compreensão sobre a construção do pensamento do filósofo. Diante dessa percepção, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a formação jurídico-filosófica propiciada pela Faculdade (...)
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  7. Effect of Production Costs on the Price per Ton of Sugarcane: The Case of Brazil.Sandra Cristina De Oliveira, Fernando Rodrigues Amorim, Cássio Ceron Barbosa, Alequexandre Galvez de Andrade & Federico Del Giorgio Solfa - 2022 - International Journal of Social Science Studies 10 (6):15-27.
    The costs of agricultural inputs added to those of labor represent almost a third of the total cost of Brazilian sugarcane production. This study analyzes the behavior of the price per ton of sugarcane in Brazil, relating it to the main production costs of this cultivation. Twelve price indicators from January 2015 to December 2020 were evaluated. First, the data were adjusted to a multiple linear regression model to identify the significant variables on variation in the price per ton of (...)
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    Os Desafios Do Sistema de Precedentes Judiciais No Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro À Luz da Teoria da Integridade de Ronald Dworkin.Francisco Victor Vasconcelos, Renata Albuquerque Lima & Ana Clébia Rodrigues - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 8 (2):77-99.
    O presente artigo detém o intuito de analisar a implementação do sistema de precedentes judiciais adotado pelo Brasil no Novo Código de Processo Civil, diante da teoria de Ronald Dworkin. O Brasil historicamente adota o sistema denominado de Civil Law, o qual adota a lei como fonte principal do Direito, dando ao precedente judicial um caráter secundário e não vinculante. Ante a nova atualização legislativa do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, que vislumbra a adoção de um sistema de precedentes, (...)
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    Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-reviewed articles in the biomedical literature.Olavo B. Amaral, Vanessa T. Bortoluzzi, Sylvia F. S. Guerra, Steven J. Burgess, Richard J. Abdill, Pedro B. Tan, Martin Modrák, Lieve van Egmond, Karina L. Hajdu, Igor R. Costa, Gerson D. Guercio, Flávia Z. Boos, Felippe E. Amorim, Evandro A. De-Souza, David E. Henshall, Danielle Rayêe, Clarissa B. Haas, Carlos A. M. Carvalho, Thiago C. Moulin, Victor G. S. Queiroz & Clarissa F. D. Carneiro - 2020 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 5 (1).
    BackgroundPreprint usage is growing rapidly in the life sciences; however, questions remain on the relative quality of preprints when compared to published articles. An objective dimension of quality that is readily measurable is completeness of reporting, as transparency can improve the reader’s ability to independently interpret data and reproduce findings.MethodsIn this observational study, we initially compared independent samples of articles published in bioRxiv and in PubMed-indexed journals in 2016 using a quality of reporting questionnaire. After that, we performed paired comparisons (...)
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    Ranking Analysis for Online Customer Reviews of Products Using Opinion Mining with Clustering.S. K. Lakshmanaprabu, K. Shankar, Deepak Gupta, Ashish Khanna, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Plácido R. Pinheiro & Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Entrevista com Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Duarte.Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias & Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha Saldanha - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (81):1525-1540.
    Entrevista realizada em outubro de 2023 por Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide, João Paulo Andrade Dias, Victor Hugo de Oliveira Saldanha e concedida a Educação e Filosofia para publicação no v. 37, n. 81, p. 1727-1740, set./dez. 2023, como parte integrante do Dossiê Teoria Crítica 100 Anos organizado por Prof. Dr. Rafael Cordeiro Silva, Prof. Drª. Ana Paula de Ávila Gomide e Prof. Dr. Sertório de Amorim e Silva Neto, e também publicado nesta mesma edição.
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  12. On the normative significance of experimental moral psychology.Victor Kumar & Richmond Campbell - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (3):311-330.
    Experimental research in moral psychology can be used to generate debunking arguments in ethics. Specifically, research can indicate that we draw a moral distinction on the basis of a morally irrelevant difference. We develop this naturalistic approach by examining a recent debate between Joshua Greene and Selim Berker. We argue that Greene's research, if accurate, undermines attempts to reconcile opposing judgments about trolley cases, but that his attempt to debunk deontology fails. We then draw some general lessons about the possibility (...)
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  13. Understanding, explanation, and unification.Victor Gijsbers - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):516-522.
    In this article I argue that there are two different types of understanding: the understanding we get from explanations, and the understanding we get from unification. This claim is defended by first showing that explanation and unification are not as closely related as has sometimes been thought. A critical appraisal of recent proposals for understanding without explanation leads us to discuss the example of a purely classificatory biology: it turns out that such a science can give us understanding of the (...)
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    Measuring evidence: a probabilistic approach to an extension of Belnap–Dunn logic.Abilio Rodrigues, Juliana Bueno-Soler & Walter Carnielli - 2020 - Synthese 198 (S22):5451-5480.
    This paper introduces the logic of evidence and truth \ as an extension of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \. \ is a slightly modified version of the logic \, presented in Carnielli and Rodrigues. While \ is equipped only with a classicality operator \, \ is equipped with a non-classicality operator \ as well, dual to \. Both \ and \ are logics of formal inconsistency and undeterminedness in which the operator \ recovers classical logic for propositions in its (...)
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  15.  20
    As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em educação e a racionalidade hermenêutica // Information and Communication Technologies in education and the hermeneutic rationality.Tânia Rodrigues Palhano & Jório Mágno Oliveira de Souza - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020026.
    O presente artigo procura refletir como elementos das tecnologias da informação e comunicação na educação se localizam na epistemologia hermenêutica. Essa realidade acaba gerando um enorme desafio à educação no sentido de encontrar “razões” que justifiquem, não só metodologias, mas o seu sentido de ser no mundo conectado. Partindo da “compreensão” como modo de ser do indivíduo humano e, consequentemente, lócus apropriado para a reflexão e o fazer pedagógico pretende-se apresentar uma abordagem viável da TIC no processo educativo a partir (...)
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    Factorial Structure of the Morningness-Eveningness-Stability-Scale and Sex and Age Invariance.Paula Vagos, Pedro F. S. Rodrigues, Josefa N. S. Pandeirada, Ali Kasaeian, Corina Weidenauer, Carlos F. Silva & Christoph Randler - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Belief revision in non-classical logics.Dov Gabbay, Odinaldo Rodrigues & Alessandra Russo - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):267-304.
    In this article, we propose a belief revision approach for families of (non-classical) logics whose semantics are first-order axiomatisable. Given any such (non-classical) logic , the approach enables the definition of belief revision operators for , in terms of a belief revision operation satisfying the postulates for revision theory proposed by Alchourrrdenfors and Makinson (AGM revision, Alchourrukasiewicz's many-valued logic. In addition, we present a general methodology to translate algebraic logics into classical logic. For the examples provided, we analyse in what (...)
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  18.  9
    A Rawlsian Response to Racism.Victor L. Worsfold - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:160-162.
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    Scheffler’s Third Way: A Useful Grounding for Moral Education.Victor L. Worsfold - 2003 - Philosophy of Education 59:242-244.
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  20.  46
    Gide Versus Anti-Gide.Victor R. Yanitelli - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (4):540-550.
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  21. Adventures in the Realm of Ideas and Other Essays in the Fields of Philosophy, Science, Political Economy, Theology, Humanism, Semantics, Agnosticism, Immortality and Related Subjects.Victor S. Yarros - 1947 - Haldeman-Julius.
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    Letters pro and con.Victor S. Yarros, Bernard M. Goldman & Donald A. Gordon - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (2):179-180.
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    The German and the Anglo-American View of the State.Victor S. Yarros - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (1):43-51.
  24.  49
    Colloquium 5.Victor Caston - 2000 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):135-175.
  25. Cruelty's rewards: The gratifications of perpetrators and spectators.Victor Nell - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (3):211-224.
    Cruelty is the deliberate infliction of physical or psychological pain on other living creatures, sometimes indifferently, but often with delight. Though cruelty is an overwhelming presence in the world, there is no neurobiological or psychological explanation for its ubiquity and reward value. This target article attempts to provide such explanations by describing three stages in the development of cruelty. Stage 1 is the development of the predatory adaptation from the Palaeozoic to the ethology of predation in canids, felids, and primates. (...)
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  26. Dualism and Universities.Victor H. Balowitz - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (4):415.
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    What to consider about events: A survey on the ontology of occurrents.Fabrício Henrique Rodrigues & Mara Abel - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (4):343-378.
    This work presents a review of the ideas that are currently in use on the ontology-based conceptual modeling of occurrents (sometimes referred to as “events”, “perdurants”, or “processes”). It coll...
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  28.  17
    Electrification.Victor Wallis - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (1):319-323.
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  29. Neovitalism.Victor Weizsacker - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:121.
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  30. Neovitalismus.Victor Weizsäcker - 1911 - Rivista di Filosofia 2:113.
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  31. Anthropologia rationalis: the Aristotelian-Thomist conception of man.Victor White - 1948 - Rhein.
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    Holy Teaching, the Idea of Theology According to St Thomas Aquinas.Victor White & Aquinas Society of London - 1958 - Blackfriars.
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    Orwell's Battle with Brittain: Vicarious Liability for Unjust Aggression.Victor Tadros - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 42 (1):42-77.
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    Commentary on Miller.Victor Caston - 1999 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):214-230.
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  35.  10
    The Foundation of Thurii.Victor Ehrenberg - 1948 - American Journal of Philology 69 (2):149.
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  36.  12
    Ethical challenges in higher education leadership and administration.Victor Wang (ed.) - 2020 - Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book examines leadership strategies that allow administrators to be proactive, visionary, and flexible while increasing collaboration, open communication, and closely integrating theory and practice to ensure successful administration in higher education settings.
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    Relative Space.Victor J. Blum - 1933 - Modern Schoolman 10 (3):69-69.
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    Mechanism and agency in science from premodern automata to cybernetics: Jessica Riskin: The restless clock: a history of the centuries-long argument over what makes living things tick. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2015, 544pp, $30.00 PB.Victor D. Boantza - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):59-62.
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    The Enlightenment of Joseph Black.Victor D. Boantza - 2016 - Annals of Science 73 (3):328-332.
  40.  18
    Inscriptions d'Asie Mineure.Victor Bérard - 1892 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 16 (1):417-446.
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  41.  18
    Inscriptions de Téménothyrae.Victor Bérard - 1895 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 19 (1):555-560.
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    Reseña de "Sueños y palabras de América Latina" de María del Pilar QUINTERO-MONTILLA.Víctor Bravo - 2009 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 14 (45):151-152.
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    The mimesis of salvation and dissimilitude in the scandalous gospel of Jesus.Victor Anderson - 2012 - In George Yancy (ed.), Christology and Whiteness: what would Jesus do? New York: Routledge. pp. 196.
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    Monarchy and Religious Institution in Israel under Jeroboam 1.Victor Avigdor Hurowitz & Wesley I. Toews - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (3):548.
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    The Opponents of Third Isaiah: Reconstructing the Cultic History of the Restoration.Victor Avigdor Hurowitz & Brooks Schramm - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (3):605.
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    The Priestly Account of Building the Tabernacle.Victor Hurowitz - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (1):21-30.
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    La condena de la venganza privada tras la justicia punitiva. Contraste y continuidad entre La Orestíada de Esquilo y el derecho hegeliano.Víctor Ibarra - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):291-314.
    Se abordan dos formas de justicia en principio antagónicas: la retributiva, propia del mundo de los héroes y de la venganza antigua, y la punitiva, de tradición tanto antigua como moderna, que consiste en la racionalización de la violencia mediante el tribunal. Se muestra la preeminencia de la punitiva, el antagonismo a medias con la retributiva, que viene a ser la apropiación de la violencia por la necesidad (dios, destino, Estado), y su marginación del ámbito de la justicia.
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    Fazedores-de-verdade.Abílio Azambuja Rodrigues Filho - 2009 - Dois Pontos 6 (2).
    This papers’ goal is to present a survey of the contemporary discussions regarding truthmakers. The emphasis will be on the characterization of the truthmaking relation and on the problems involved in universal propositions and negations.
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  49.  12
    (1 other version)La Philosophie pratique de Kant.Victor Delbos - 1926 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
    La philosophie pratique de Kant / par Victor Delbos,...Date de l'edition originale: 1905Sujet de l'ouvrage: Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804)Collection: Bibliotheque de philosophie contemporaineCe livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette (...)
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  50. Form without Matter: Empedocles and Aristotle on Color Perception.Victor Caston - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (3):385-389.
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